The lost art of letter writing

a hand-painted card (paisley of course) from me to the beloved.

We have been receiving handwritten letters in the post lately, and we like it a lot! So one of my A5 paisleys has developed itself into a gift card. We lightly taped it onto some paper which we had written our letters on. It should be able to be easily removed if the beloved recipient wishes to display it as art, or put back in its envelope with the letter and kept*.

It is so nice to write and receive hand-written letters, even though my writing is not as neat as my font of the same. (My day to day handwriting is of course jules-te-reo1 and since I occasionally draw little pics into my letters, I guess my letters are a bit of julesgirltalk, which you can download for free from this very site). Anyway, enough of me, don’t handwritten letters seem so old-fashioned and sweet?

*Or thrown away, whatever happens to it, one can’t have expectations about these things. If the truth is to be known, I don’t mind so much its destination, because I became used to my art not delighting others as much as it delighted me. It’s because my art was not cherished by my mother when I was a child, and she still doesn’t really get it2, but is more likely to keep it now, because someone once admired something I made and so she didn’t dispose of it. However, I am happy to say I have kept most of my daughter’s art since an early age, some of which I wrote on as she explained what it was – it is fun to read/look at it now. I love it, cherish it and “get” it.

  1. Jules-te-reo was used on before Google bought the company, now on
  2. 2018 update: My mother has grown to enjoy getting my handmade gifts over time and she unwittingly collaborated with me on a design which is now a fabric for sale at Spoonflower, called Little Birds, based on an embroidery she made me